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12 February 2014


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Thanks, Jeanine! That WOULD be a cute idea for a teacher's gift. I wish I had thought of it! :)


Oh I love this creation! Must say I haven't yet come across anything like this before now!
Also, I agree with your lean towards DAS Clay choice, as I enjoy it's finished au natural look most! This project is simple, darling, and unique. I will have to figure a way to squeeze this make into a Teachers gift somehow throughout this new school year! Thank you for sharing pinned :D


Hi Janet,

Here you go - and if you happen to lose this, the direct link is embedded in the resource list at the bottom of the post:


janet smith

Great idea for your son! I've been looking for a wood grain mat and the one you found is great. What's the source?


Karen, I didn't do clay until recently, but I'm really loving it. I'm not particularly good at it and I have a much better understanding of what it takes to become an artisan.

But while there are so many levels of skills to acquire, it's still possible to make something you love without a lot of experience. Just buy a pack of air dry and experiment with it. If you fall in love with the process, take an intro pottery class. You'll learn enough in 6-8 weeks to give you a decent foundation.

Thanks for the song recommendation - I'm always up for new music!


Thank you, Jody, and I hear you about all the "stuff." I sometimes wish I could focus on just one small type of crafting. Not going to happen, though. Ha!


Thanks, Lisa!

Karen Jorgenson

I love "The Giving Tree" reference and can see it really come to life in this piece. I don't do clay, but you make me want to. My brother would love this.

By the way, the Plain White Tees sings a new song called "The Giving Tree" that you have to check out.


Love this idea, makes me want to order the wood grain mat and get started; just don't now know where I can put any more supplies in this room with 2 machine embroidery sewing machines, jewelry making supplies and all the "stuff" for many types of crafts I do.
Love all the tutorials and projects, plus your photography too.
I have enjoyed myself reading all your back posts and love your blog…thanks for the inspiration.



sweet idea!

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I'm a professional magazine stylist and crafter, wife and mother and I live and create in New Orleans. I write about all the facets of my creative life here, both personal and professional, though like most Southerners, I reserve the right to digress.

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