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12 May 2011


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Thanks, Aimee! I'm happy with the transformation myself!

And Barbara, so glad to be of assistance. It wasn't difficult at all - and I love that you can create any color stripe you want, instead of relying on what's available for purchase. Have fun!

aimee {sixteen fourteen}

These are absolutely stunning! What an awesome transformation.

Barbara Anderson

I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU, for the instructions to create this stripe on the fabric!!! I have been on a quest for this type fabric with the stripe in/on it, but to no avail! NOW I can create my own!! YEAH! AND use the color for the stripe, from my paint I used on my living room furniture!! SO EXCITED!!!!

Affordable Medical Insurance

Nice idea. I'm loving all your milk paint projects. You've inspired me to re-do my master bedroom and hit some garage sales to looks for uglies to be transformed with milk paint.

faux leather furniture

Very nice idea.:) I like the way on how you did it. thanks for sharing.:)

Homeowner Insurance

The chair looks wonderful! You are so creative!


Beautiful chair!! :) I love the milk paint!!


Wow, it doesn't even look like the same chair! I am very impressed. :)

teresa granath

Ok, bringing a trailer this time to fit the chairs in too! The stripes are fab!

Whitney @ Whisker Graphics

B.E.A.U.tiful!!! I'm loving all your milk paint projects. You've inspired me to re-do my master bedroom and hit some garage sales to looks for uglies to be transformed with milk paint. Thanks!

A Serenade for Solitude

Love what you did with your chairs! They look awesome. I am such a fan of that cute stripe!

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I'm a professional magazine stylist and crafter, wife and mother and I live and create in New Orleans. I write about all the facets of my creative life here, both personal and professional, though like most Southerners, I reserve the right to digress.

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