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11 October 2010


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good luck in your new adventure..:) it would be a pitty to have all those shelves of fabric, and not do anything with them. you'll feel so relieved yet satisfied when you'll be done, especially with your first handmade thing.


Good luck...I need to go back to the basics too. My mom majored in clothing and textiles and my mother-in law is an excellent quilter and yet I have not taken the time to learn from them. My sewing is so sloppy that I wouldn't dare show it to my mother! Maybe I will get that book and learn along with you!

Betty aka ZacksNana

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Betty aka ZacksNana

Gosh Girl you've been busy. I've been out of town and missed few of your previous posts. But I am back and I will just say those Halloween deocrations are all so cute! I've bout had it with Halloween. Looking forward to Thanksgiving and family time! I am still in the fall color mode though so I will still be crating cards using them. FYI, I signed up on Friday to be a Stampin' Up! Demo so if you NEED anything let me know. You can vist my SU site HERE. Have a wonderful day!!!


You can do it! Sewing isn't hard and you'll be able to do such beautiful things.


I feel your pain. I have a brand new sewing machine still in its box in my guest room. It terrifies me. I wanted a small craft one to sew on my cards and layouts but my MIL has a mind of her own.:) Anyway I will look into the book and maybe I will give it a try.


I'm here for moral support. I just bought a new machine myself and will have to take a crash course in using it since Halloween is just around the corner. :)

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I'm a professional magazine stylist and crafter, wife and mother and I live and create in New Orleans. I write about all the facets of my creative life here, both personal and professional, though like most Southerners, I reserve the right to digress.

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