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20 April 2010


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Betty in Allen, TX

Love all of these photos!
I tend to go the opposite way. In the winter I want the bright airy - ness in these photos. In summer I try to keep it as dark and cool as possible inside. So I hang dark curtains and I keep them closed most of the time. It's north Texas after! It gets into the 110s-120s here in July and August. We don't have the humidity that you get down in New Orleans, but it's hot and dry and makes it difficult to cool off because we don't get that sort of moistness with the wind that you guys get. :O)
Have a great day.

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I'm a professional magazine stylist and crafter, wife and mother and I live and create in New Orleans. I write about all the facets of my creative life here, both personal and professional, though like most Southerners, I reserve the right to digress.

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