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03 March 2010


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Joan, it's been so long I can't remember. But I would just google "birch bark sheets." I'm guessing you can find them on Etsy or on sites like Save On Crafts.

joan paliotta

Yes, could you tell me where to get the sheets of birch bark


Where do I get the sheets of birch bark?


Hi Charlie,

Thanks so much!!


I'm a couple of years late here, but these planters are amazing! I just included them in a round-up of terra cotta planter pot makeovers over at Match Made on Hudson :)

Charlie @ Match Made On Hudson

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I'm a professional magazine stylist and crafter, wife and mother and I live and create in New Orleans. I write about all the facets of my creative life here, both personal and professional, though like most Southerners, I reserve the right to digress.

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